Date: 11/20/2003, 12:03 am
: Though a little off topic, here is a challenging project for you wood
: turners. We have been working on this all week and after much head
: scratching I thought you might like to see our solution.
: The picture shows an 85 ft carbon fiber mast we built for a customer.
: Normally the bearing that supports these masts fits inside the mast or is
: epoxied on to the mast so the outside dimensions don't have to have high
: tolerances. However the spec for the foot of this mast has to be within
: 1/1000 of an inch because it is designed come out to be lowered under
: bridges. You can imagine that after 30-40 layers of CF braiding the
: outside is not a perfect circle.
: To get the supports ground to spec we built an 85 ft lathe and hooked up a
: router to mill the mast as it spins. Over the 85ft span the mast barely
: sags an 1/8th of an inch but is not exactly straight. Building a frame
: that would hold the mast and getting it centered on the chuck so that the
: whole thing could spin correctly was a bitch. Tomorrow we will grind the
: three rings of fiberglass wrapped around the CF that will be the bearing
: surfaces.
: Hope you don't mind this off topic stuff but I thought you guys mightlike to
: see this.
: Regards,
: Jack
Hi Jack
Interesting project.
I can't tell, but is there a tail piece involved or did you merely support it in the center with some sort of rollers??
If you had only center or "past-center" supports would you even need a tail-piece..?? Seems you would be able to rid yourself of even that 1/8" variance.
I envy you and your fellow workers for the type of problems you have..
Would be interesting to see up-close and personal.. Thanks for the Photo Tour.
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: 85 foot lathe *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 11/19/2003, 11:48 pm- 85 foot lathe update *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 11/22/2003, 12:10 pm- 85 foot lathe update *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 11/22/2003, 12:17 pm
- Pretty cool stuff, Jack. *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 11/20/2003, 4:09 pm- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
Paul Jacob -- 11/20/2003, 2:02 pm- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
srchr/gerald -- 11/20/2003, 10:46 am- Boat Building = vow of poverty
Jack Sanderson -- 11/20/2003, 5:40 pm
- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
Dave Schneider -- 11/20/2003, 9:09 am- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
Jack Sanderson -- 11/20/2003, 5:27 pm
- Re: Got MY Attention..!!
Rehd -- 11/20/2003, 12:03 am- Re: Got MY Attention..!!
Jack Sanderson -- 11/20/2003, 12:45 am- Re: Got MY Attention..!!
Rehd -- 11/20/2003, 1:06 am
- Re: Got MY Attention..!!
- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 11/19/2003, 11:59 pm- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
Greg Morse -- 11/21/2003, 8:17 am- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
John Thomas -- 11/20/2003, 12:03 am - Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
John Thomas -- 11/19/2003, 11:59 pm- Re: Off Topic: 85 foot lathe
Jack Sanderson -- 11/20/2003, 12:46 am
- Another picture of the 85 ft mast *NM* *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 11/19/2003, 11:54 pm- Re: Another picture of the 85 ft mast
Chris Ostlind -- 11/20/2003, 12:05 am
- 85 foot lathe update *Pic*
- 85 foot lathe update *Pic*