Re: Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch
By:Richard Kohlström
Date: 11/25/2003, 9:15 am
Date: 11/25/2003, 9:15 am
In Response To: Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch *Pic* (Edgar K)
I see that you didn´t mount the speakers permanently, I appreciate that.
You could couple a generator to a paddlingmachine to drive the amplifier.
May I suggest a couple of suitable music pieces.
The first is "The Stripper" David Rose played by Henry Mancini.
The second is "Riding the waves" from the soundtrack to "The Deliverance".
The third is "Cool Water" by Burl Ives.
And a lot more titles that have boat and water themes.
Richard K.
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch *Pic*
Edgar K -- 11/24/2003, 6:50 pm- Re: Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch
Charles Leach -- 11/25/2003, 12:35 pm- Re: Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch
Tim Eastman -- 11/25/2003, 12:25 pm- Cool deck rigging...Pretty Boat! *NM*
Bill Cruz -- 11/25/2003, 10:34 am- Mancinci "Unhatched"
Bob Deutsch -- 11/25/2003, 9:56 am- Re: Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch
Richard Kohlström -- 11/25/2003, 9:15 am- Specialty market but a cool one.
Robert N Pruden -- 11/24/2003, 10:25 pm- Groovy, man! *NM*
Glen Smith -- 11/24/2003, 7:47 pm - Re: Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch
- Re: Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch