Date: 12/3/2003, 7:00 pm
: Define Najad, if you please.
Najad is one of Björn Thomassons designs
Björn is a very skilled kayakdesigner and a very skilled paddler too.
These two kayaks was built by two of the members in the studycircle, I was the so called teacher, master or mentor. They all did their best and a large bit more and the circle ended up with 7 strippers and 1 S´n´G. Mint pieces!
Najad is a long sleek kayak 5.80 x 0.55 meters. This two weights in at about 23-25 kilos.
: Engenius design...looks like you based it somewhat on the floor mounted one
: in Nick Schade's book (figure 9-13, page 150, "The Strip Built Sea
: Kayak"),
Yes, that was one source of inspiration, like one construction from Australia (just now I forgot his name, sorry, I´ll find it later) that was floormounted.
: Richard, you finished the interior of that boat to perfection...
Not me, Bert did this job! The other Najad-builder was Bertil.
I wish the
: deck "exterior" of my boat looked as can imagine
: what the interior is like...but...but...I had my reasons (not to be
: confused with excuses)!
: Nice use of contrasting wood on the face of that "contraption".
The pedals are reused from the cockpit-cutout. They are fastened with a stainless hinge and held upright by a little bungycordpiece behind. The white-blue cord is the rudder-lines.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: footbrace install
c -- 12/2/2003, 1:18 pm- Re: Strip: footbrace install *LINK* *Pic*
Richard Kohlström -- 12/3/2003, 11:51 am- Very Clean Boat Interior!!! Outrageous!
Bill Cruz -- 12/3/2003, 1:56 pm- Puts my hull interior to shame.
Robert N Pruden -- 12/4/2003, 1:00 am- Neutral Position?
Bill Cruz -- 12/4/2003, 10:23 am- Re: Neutral Position?
Robert N Pruden -- 12/4/2003, 5:47 pm- What's a rudder? *NM*
Bill Cruz -- 12/5/2003, 12:04 am- Re: Neutral Position?
Richard Kohlström -- 12/4/2003, 6:42 pm - Re: Neutral Position?
- What's a rudder? *NM*
- Re: Puts my hull interior to shame.
Richard Kohlström -- 12/4/2003, 3:20 am - Re: Neutral Position?
- Re: Very Clean Boat Interior!!! Outrageous! *Pic*
Richard Kohlström -- 12/3/2003, 7:00 pm- Re: Very Clean Boat Interior!!! Outrageous!
Bill Cruz -- 12/4/2003, 10:17 am- Re: Very Clean Boat Interior!!! Outrageous!
Richard Kohlström -- 12/4/2003, 6:33 pm- Ahhhem.
Bill Cruz -- 12/5/2003, 12:02 am- Re: Ahhhem.
Richard Kohlström -- 12/5/2003, 6:19 am- Re: Ahhhem.
Bill Cruz -- 12/5/2003, 9:24 am- Re: Ahhhem.
Richard Kohlström -- 12/6/2003, 3:21 pm- Re: Ahhhem.
Bill Cruz -- 12/7/2003, 2:32 pm- Re: Ahhhem. *LINK* *Pic*
Richard Kohlström -- 12/7/2003, 7:34 pm- Good "Matbrod"
Bill Cruz -- 12/8/2003, 2:36 am
- Good "Matbrod"
- Re: Ahhhem. *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Ahhhem.
- Re: Ahhhem.
- Re: Ahhhem.
- Re: Ahhhem.
- Ahhhem.
- Agreed, very nice work guys *NM*
Chip Sandresky -- 12/3/2003, 7:45 pm - Re: Very Clean Boat Interior!!! Outrageous!
- Re: Very Clean Boat Interior!!! Outrageous! *Pic*
Richard Kohlström -- 12/3/2003, 6:54 pm - Neutral Position?
- Puts my hull interior to shame.
- I'm considering the same thing as you.
Bill Cruz -- 12/3/2003, 12:08 am- Re: I'm considering the same thing as you. *Pic*
Lennie Hawkins -- 12/3/2003, 11:02 am- Those are 'em!
Bill Cruz -- 12/3/2003, 2:07 pm
- Those are 'em!
- Re: Strip: footbrace install
Jay Babina -- 12/2/2003, 4:58 pm- Re: Strip: footbrace install -- shortening?
pikabike -- 12/3/2003, 11:04 pm
- Re: Strip: footbrace install
Rod Tait -- 12/2/2003, 2:27 pm - Very Clean Boat Interior!!! Outrageous!
- Re: Strip: footbrace install *LINK* *Pic*