Date: 12/6/2003, 4:12 am
Hey Jewile,
I'll see if I can answer some of your questions.
: questioning how to get started on the deck of a Guillemot.
: 1. there is a tip of the inner stem that comes up past the line for the sheer
: strips for the hull to be installed.
: when i fllip it over, do I tape-off this tip and then start putting on my
: sheer strips for the deck over this tip of the inner stem?
Yes, cover that little tip end of the inner stem with tape so you don't glue the deck strips to it OR you can do like I did and glue the deck strips to it, then when you get ready to seperate the two halves, just cut it between the sheer strips with your pull saw (you're going to be cutting the outer stems at the sheer anyway _ just go a little deeper and cut the tip of the inner stem too) OR you can just cut that little tip off and get it out of the way!
: 2. the outer stem.
: i have not found a picture of how to: a. finish off the outer stem piece at
: the tip---i understand how to level off the strips at
: the bow and stern and then to apply the laminated outer stem piece.
: does the outer stem go on over to the deck or just end
: at the sheer strip for the hull? how does it tie into the deck?
I bent the outer stem laminates over the top of the deck as far as I could without breaking them, then when sanding, just blend the end into the deck and keel strips. When you're ready to seperate the two halves, you'll have to cut the outer stems at the sheer.
: b. does it matter how far up onto the keel strips i go with the laminated
: outer stem or
: do i stop at the point the keel begins?....
: do i then just blend in the outerstem with the keel strips?
I don't guess it matters how far up on the keel strips you go, but, I think you should go far enough to over-lap the keel strips a little (I wouldn't go any farther than necessary), then just plane and sand to blend it all together.
: thank you to all whom help me and others. the learning curve is sharp on
: one’s first boat project. we, beginners, could use the trial and error
: method but advice is greatly appreciated and saves us from a lot of
: exasperation. my next boat should be a breeze !
It's easier than it all sounds in the beginning. I was right where you are two years ago. I built the Guillemot for my wife from Nicks book. Then, this past January I started the Guillemot "L" for myself. I have some pics at the link below that may help you. The pic below shows how I bent the outer stem laminations over the tip end of the deck. After it was sanded and blended in, the end of the stem came out flush with the top of the deck, not actually OVER the top of the deck. It ends up looking like a little lamination right on the tip end of the boat. Hope some of this makes sense.
Happy Building.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Starting the deck of a guillemot
Jewile -- 12/5/2003, 8:21 pm- Re: Strip: Starting the deck of a guillemot *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 12/6/2003, 4:12 am- Hey Charles, cool bench in the background! *NM*
Bill Cruz -- 12/7/2003, 2:43 pm- The Finished Stem *NM* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 12/6/2003, 4:20 am - The Finished Stem *NM* *Pic*
- Hey Charles, cool bench in the background! *NM*
- Re: Strip: Starting the deck of a guillemot *LINK* *Pic*