: Grate 2 pounds of ginger and put it in some kind of straining bag inside a
: plastic pot. Add 3 gallons of boiling water, cover, and let sit overnight
: (I usually wrap some insulation around the pot). Strain off the beer
: (there's a really thick, viscous liquid at the bottom that I try to avoid)
: and add the juice of 4-6 limes, 15 squirts of Angostura bitters
: (optional), and sugar to taste (I use a light pound but the recipe my
: Jamaican friend gave me calls for 2 pounds). At this point I put it in a
: keg, refridgerate it, and then force-carbonate the next day. You could cut
: down the recipe and just put it in jars in the refridgerator (it'll lack
: carbonation but this is how it's done in Jamaica). It'll ferment and lose
: a lot of the ginger flavor if you don't keep it cold.
: I know 2 pounds ginger to 3 gallons water sounds like too much, but try it at
: that concentration - it's really good. It's a lot hotter than what you
: typically get in *domestic* bottled Jamaican-style ginger beer. And it
: makes you wonder how something like Canada Dry "Ginger" Ale even
: deserves the word ginger in the name.
: Wes
Hey, Wes
I finally got time to make the ginger beer. I'll be brewing it tonight. Can't wait to have a swig.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Hight Heron gets wet *Pic*
Wes -- 6/25/2003, 9:14 pm- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Robert N Pruden -- 6/27/2003, 8:59 pm- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Emile Zen -- 6/27/2003, 9:36 am- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Wes -- 6/27/2003, 9:48 am
- Happy Paddling!
Beautiful Yak! *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 6/27/2003, 1:00 am- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 6/26/2003, 8:38 am- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
James Nixon -- 6/26/2003, 8:12 am- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Wes -- 6/26/2003, 10:25 am
- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Danny -- 6/26/2003, 6:46 am- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Bobby Curtis -- 6/26/2003, 6:42 am- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Wes -- 6/26/2003, 7:54 am- Kayak in the Brewery!
David Hill -- 6/26/2003, 8:05 am- Re: Kayak in the Brewery!
Wes -- 6/26/2003, 8:09 am- Re: Kayak in the Brewery!
Peter Robinson -- 6/26/2003, 8:37 am- Jamaican-style ginger beer
Wes -- 6/26/2003, 10:45 am- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Juile -- 12/8/2003, 3:36 pm- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
marc norland -- 12/9/2003, 4:24 pm- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Wes -- 12/8/2003, 6:29 pm- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Charles Leach -- 12/8/2003, 9:11 pm- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Wes Ostertag -- 12/9/2003, 8:24 am
- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Robert N Pruden -- 12/6/2003, 11:30 pm- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Malcolm Schweizer -- 12/9/2003, 2:15 pm- It isn't luck, Mal, it's ...
Robert N Pruden -- 12/11/2003, 9:02 pm- Re: It isn't luck, Mal, it's ... *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 12/11/2003, 9:26 pm- Century Plant
Robert N Pruden -- 12/11/2003, 9:31 pm
- Century Plant
- Re: It isn't luck, Mal, it's ... *Pic*
- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
chuck -- 12/8/2003, 4:29 pm- Re: Schweppes
pikabike -- 12/8/2003, 3:32 pm- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Shawn Baker -- 12/8/2003, 1:42 pm- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
Peter -- 12/8/2003, 5:00 pm- I'm definitely up for something like that.
Robert N Pruden -- 12/9/2003, 3:17 am- Re: I'm definitely up for something like that.
Peter -- 12/9/2003, 11:32 am
- Re: I'm definitely up for something like that.
- I'm definitely up for something like that.
- So how did it turn out? *NM*
Wes -- 12/7/2003, 10:28 am- So far it smells good but...
Robert N Pruden -- 12/7/2003, 12:55 pm- Re: So far it smells good but...
Glen Smith -- 12/7/2003, 1:57 pm- Re: So far it smells good but...
Robert N Pruden -- 12/7/2003, 2:39 pm- Re: So far it smells good but...
Glen Smith -- 12/7/2003, 3:19 pm
- Re: So far it smells good but...
- Re: So far it smells good but...
- Re: So far it smells good but...
- It isn't luck, Mal, it's ...
- Awesome!
Robert N Pruden -- 6/28/2003, 12:04 pm- Re: Awesome!
Wes -- 6/28/2003, 12:37 pm
- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
- Re: Jamaican-style ginger beer
- Jamaican-style ginger beer
- Re: Kayak in the Brewery!
- Re: Kayak in the Brewery!
- Kayak in the Brewery!
- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
Tony W. -- 6/25/2003, 9:55 pm- Re: Strip: Another picture *NM* *Pic*
Wes -- 6/25/2003, 9:15 pm- Re: Strip: Another picture
Rob P -- 6/26/2003, 10:31 am- Night Heron
Dave Sprygada -- 6/26/2003, 7:38 am- Re: Night Heron
Wes -- 6/26/2003, 7:49 am
- Re: Strip: Another picture
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 6/26/2003, 1:45 am- Re: Strip: Another picture
Jim in ND -- 6/25/2003, 10:54 pm- Re: Strip: Another picture
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/25/2003, 9:47 pm - Night Heron
- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet
- Re: Strip: Hight Heron gets wet