Date: 12/12/2003, 12:39 pm
i feel embarassed by the quaility of this pic vs your beautifully perfect boat. but its the same topic so here it is.
i just finished the second seam on my guillmot and it went much easier than the first. learning curve i suppose. I used two layers, 2 inch tape and 1 inch tape from us composites. it worked exaclty as decribed in nick's book.
i did add something though. i couldnt see inside the boat so i tied up a floresent and put a mirror in the cheekplate slot to cast some light. that made it much easier to get the job done. its not in the pic, bu i also had a fan blowing in the hatches to keep the fumes down.
the front hatch dimentions are too small for my head, so it would have been a lot easier if i would have made it about 2 inches bigger. maybey for the next boat.
i hope to be in the water by christmas but i need the outside seam and a lot of fairing and polishing of the glass before varnish. but i got 12 days left.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Night Heron Progress *LINK* *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 12/12/2003, 12:04 pm- Great Looking Kayak
Bobby Curtis -- 12/13/2003, 8:17 am- Re: Great Looking Kayak *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 12/14/2003, 10:41 am
- Outstanding work, you should be v.proud *NM*
David Humphries -- 12/13/2003, 6:45 am- Wow, Looks great! *NM*
Lennie Hawkins -- 12/12/2003, 5:26 pm- LOVE THAT DECK! *NM*
Danny Cox -- 12/12/2003, 1:54 pm- Nice Boat - Especially the Deck! *NM*
Paul Jacob -- 12/12/2003, 1:31 pm- Re: Nice Boat - Especially the Deck! *LINK* *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 12/12/2003, 4:30 pm- Re: Nice Boat - Especially the Deck!
Bill Price -- 12/12/2003, 4:50 pm
- Re: Nice Boat - Especially the Deck!
- Beautiful boat!! *NM*
Wes Ostertag -- 12/12/2003, 1:24 pm- Looking Great! *NM*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/12/2003, 1:08 pm- Very elegant! *NM*
Sam McFadden -- 12/12/2003, 12:41 pm- Re: Stripguillemot seam *Pic*
c -- 12/12/2003, 12:39 pm- Re: Strip: Night Heron Progress
Robert N Pruden -- 12/12/2003, 12:12 pm - Re: Great Looking Kayak *Pic*
- Great Looking Kayak