Date: 12/15/2003, 2:05 am
: I applaud your industry and will look forward to more reports (and pictures).
: I was unable to see the pictures. Will you clarify that the 25% and 47%
: ratio is cloth to epoxy, or vice versa, and how did you make this
: determination?
Thank You, well sometimes I am not sure if the weight savings are really worth the time and money...
Oh, the 25% and 47% is fiber/(fiber+epoxy) not what I posted earlier.
I know the weight of the dry fiber and of the dry cores, I simply calculated how much epoxy was in the final laminate. I think I read somewhere that a really good hand layup could have approx 30% fiber and vacuumed ones should be around 50%.
Further testing of the vacuumed piece showed that there was less than perfect adhesion between the core and the skin. I think I need to "prime" the core before adding the skin and probably use much less vacuum (15-20 inch Hg?)
I will try and make a complete bag to put the deck in, apply epoxy and fiber and peelply and breather outside the bag, stuff it in and then vacuum.
The deck in bag will probably have to be taped to the deck-forms to avoid distortions?
I will try to do both in and outside of the deck but in two "sessions".

Messages In This Thread
- Material: amateur vacuum bagging *Pic*
Niklas -- 12/14/2003, 5:02 am- Re: Material: amateur vacuum bagging
Jack Sanderson -- 12/16/2003, 9:23 pm- Re: Material: amateur vacuum bagging
James Grant -- 12/15/2003, 12:30 pm- Approach?
Sam McFadden -- 12/14/2003, 12:06 pm- Re: Material: amateur vacuum bagging *LINK*
srchr/gerald -- 12/14/2003, 10:31 am- Re: Material: amateur vacuum bagging *LINK* *Pic*
Niklas -- 12/15/2003, 2:05 am
- Re: Material: amateur vacuum bagging
- Re: Material: amateur vacuum bagging