Date: 12/18/2003, 8:08 am
Hi folks,
Thanks for all the emails and support - it does make you feel good!
The kayak handles great! It has a 32cm deck height, but I cann't remember the exact volume. It gets very windy where we live (Bremen,Germany) and the rivers get real choppy when the wind is blowing and the tide is moving in the opposite direction. As you can see from the image below, I cut about 10cm off the aft peek to fit a rudder. (that wasn`t necessary - the rudder will never come to use) I wanted to build a kayak that easy to handle and paddle with the least effort - the design worked out well. Even with strong side winds the kayak is easily kept on track. The bow slices and moves over the waves - I can submit an image of the hull if you`d like just let me know!
It handles great - I can`t say it enough. Good, I wouldn't take it out on the Baltic or North Sea with winds 4+, but thats not what it was designed for.
warm regards,

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas Everyone! *Pic*
bryan gorr -- 12/17/2003, 8:45 am- Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas
Robert N Pruden -- 12/18/2003, 10:23 am- Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas
Handy -- 12/18/2003, 7:31 am- Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas *Pic*
bryan gorr -- 12/18/2003, 9:26 am- Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas *Pic*
bryan gorr -- 12/18/2003, 8:08 am - Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas *Pic*
- frohe Weihnachten
Malcolm Schweizer -- 12/17/2003, 10:43 am- Re: frohe Weihnachten *Pic*
bryan gorr -- 12/17/2003, 3:17 pm- Re: frohe Weihnachten
Paul Jacob -- 12/17/2003, 4:22 pm- Re: frohe Weihnachten
David Humphries -- 12/17/2003, 3:56 pm - Re: frohe Weihnachten
- Re: frohe Weihnachten
- Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas
Bob Deutsch -- 12/17/2003, 9:21 am - Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas
- Re: Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas