Date: 12/25/2003, 2:52 pm
: I ordered and received a package of the nifty stainless steel binding studs
: to use with my Yakima footbrace rails. The studs thread through the rails
: just fine.
: However, I'm puzzled as to how the rails can be installed and removed when
: the studs are epoxied onto the hull interior. I could get around the
: installation problem by threading the studs through the rail first before
: epoxying the disc-like bottom to the hull. But what if I want to remove
: the rail(s) later? With the normal through-the-hull bolts, unbolting would
: be no problem. With the binding studs, it looks like the rail is in place
: permanently.
: Any ideas how to allow rail removal without cutting anything off?
: If only the disc part could be unscrewed from the post...
Here is a picture of how you could do it. As pointed out you need to run a drill bit through the rails hole to remove the threads first. Then the rail can slide over the stud.Use a stainless nyloc nut to hold the rail on. You have to remove a little of the rail to make room for the nut and a thin wall socket to tighten the nut. Here are some pictures of that on my web site. Click on the photo to enlarge. Hope this helps you visualize it.
Kurt Hoffman

Messages In This Thread
- Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
pikabike -- 12/24/2003, 10:27 pm- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
Jay Doorly -- 12/26/2003, 1:25 am- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
pikabike -- 12/26/2003, 11:51 pm- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
George Jungle -- 12/26/2003, 9:06 am - Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
- Re: Thanks, and one more question
pikabike -- 12/25/2003, 7:44 pm- Re: Thanks, and one more question
Kurt Hoffman -- 12/26/2003, 9:00 am- Re: Thanks, and one more question
Kurt Loup -- 12/25/2003, 10:31 pm - Re: Thanks, and one more question
- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Hoffman -- 12/25/2003, 2:52 pm- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
Kurt Loup -- 12/25/2003, 10:44 am- Re: Great detail!
pikabike -- 12/26/2003, 11:54 pm
- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
Ken Sutherland -- 12/25/2003, 1:34 am- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/24/2003, 11:05 pm - Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces
- Re: Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces