Re: Epoxy: a mistake
In Response To: Epoxy: a mistake (bromasi)
: I accidently got some resin(about an ounce or a little less)in my 1/2 gallon
: hardner, will this spoil the hardner, it did plug my pump up, now I,m
: afraid to use it
Well maybe, you'll have to figure out a way to strain the hardened resin out of the hardener, not exactly sure how you'll do that. Part of the hardener I'd suspect has reacted with the resin and should harden, though only enough I'd think to react with the amount of resin that got in there.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: a mistake
bromasi -- 4/14/2008, 9:33 pm- Re: Epoxy: a mistake ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zs
Jay Babina ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zsPaxx5FAjQr -- 4/15/2008, 8:05 am- Re: Epoxy: a mistake
Bill Hamm -- 4/15/2008, 1:31 am - Re: Epoxy: a mistake
- Re: Epoxy: a mistake ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zs