Date: 11/4/2008, 12:59 pm
: I've used System 3's General Purpose epoxy as well as their Silver Tip epoxy.
: I prefer the Silver Tip as it's nearly clear and is very easy to work with
: (I use the slow hardner).
: Pros: clear, easy to work with, 2:1 mix ratio
: Cons: none to speak of (perhaps a bit pricey compared to some other brands --
: but well worth it in my humble opinion)
: Someone in this thread mentioned that Pygmy uses System 3 epoxy in their kits
: -- bear in mind that Pygmy uses the General epoxy which has a yellowish
: tinge to it. They do provide Silver Tip as an option.
: I also finish my boats with System 3 WR-LPU Topcoat -- I find it much, much
: better than varnish for durability but it is more difficult to apply.
: The photo below is of my Pygmy Coho which was built using Silver Tip epoxy
: and finished with WR-LPU (don't let anyone tell you that you can't get as
: shiny a finish with LPU as you can with varnish).
: The link below is to the building journal section of westcoastpaddler -- most
: of the boats there have been built with System 3 products.
: Dan
Any tips on spraying the WR-LPU? I'm about ready to apply the finish to a Redfish Parr for my daughter.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: system three resin
river rat -- 11/1/2008, 8:59 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
river rat -- 11/20/2008, 7:58 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
John Van Buren -- 11/21/2008, 6:16 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
Charlie -- 11/21/2008, 11:56 am- Re: Strip: system three resin
Bill Hamm -- 11/21/2008, 10:10 am - Re: Strip: system three resin
- Re: Strip: system three resin
Rod Tait (Orca Boats) -- 11/3/2008, 12:21 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
Mike Bielski -- 11/4/2008, 11:19 am
- Re: Strip: system three resin *LINK* *Pic*
Dan Millsip -- 11/3/2008, 11:54 am- Re: Strip: system three resin
Chris McD -- 11/4/2008, 12:59 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
Dan Millsip -- 11/5/2008, 8:57 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
Chris McD -- 11/5/2008, 10:57 pm- LPU Reminder
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 11/6/2008, 8:24 am- I disagree
Dan Millsip -- 11/6/2008, 1:04 pm- Re: I disagree
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 11/6/2008, 1:58 pm- Re: I disagree
Dan Millsip -- 11/6/2008, 4:52 pm- Coating Test *LINK*
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 11/7/2008, 10:40 am- Re: Coating Test
Dan Millsip -- 11/12/2008, 7:27 pm
- One more vote for LPU
Ted Henry -- 11/6/2008, 5:16 pm- Re: I disagree
Tom Raymond -- 11/6/2008, 5:05 pm - Re: Coating Test
- Coating Test *LINK*
- Re: I disagree
- Re: LPU Reminder
Bill Hamm -- 11/6/2008, 10:43 am - Re: I disagree
- I disagree
- LPU Reminder
- Re: Strip: system three resin
- Re: Strip: system three resin
- Re: Strip: system three resin
bromasi -- 11/2/2008, 11:27 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 11/2/2008, 5:17 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
River Rat -- 11/2/2008, 5:37 pm- Re: Strip: system three resin
Rick in Pender Harbour -- 11/3/2008, 10:59 am
- Re: Strip: system three resin
- Re: Strip: system three resin
- Re: Strip: system three resin