Date: 11/9/2008, 5:19 pm
I don't know if I can help you except commiserate. I have had my right arm half out of its socket and had a mass of torn muscles in my arm and shoulder. I didn't get anything done at first either. I let it heal, worked my arm and shoulder gently till I had all my movement back etc. Then I painted a building out and my shoulder flared up again. I went to the doctor and got some medications and it settled down. Fast forward several years with the pain always there on the periphery so I went to see a sports physiotherapist. He gave me some exercises to do to strengthen my shoulder, but said not much more could be done except surgery, but then I would lose some mobility of the shoulder. I went to the library and found a book on sports injuries and read up on it. I learned that torn muscles can bind to each other and that can cause pain. This binding is a form of scar tissue and can be broken without causing more damage. This seemed to be something like I was feeling, so I got my son to lean his elbow hard on all the places where I felt pain and after the pain of that had passed 90% of the residual and peripheral pain had disappeared also. The end result is that after 9 years I'm back to where I want to be almost. What I discovered was that much of the pain I experienced over the years was due to torn muscles being bound to their neighbour and once these had been separated they could work freely again and not cause pain. Hopefully of some help.
: Hello everybody,
: I would like to share a bit of a personal health history, in hope that
: someone
: may offer advice (or consolation at least :-)
: About 5 years ago while riding my bicycle I fell. I was going uphill (==slow)
: but unfortunately I fell on an outstretched left hand.
: As a result I damaged a tendon in my left shoulders.
: Later on the orthopedic surgeon explained the damaged tendon's role is to
: stabilize the shoulder as it moves in the
: shoulder socket.
: At that time I was given an option to have a surgery to repair the damage.
: I decided not to that. The surgery would be quite serious, on the other hand
: the shoulder seems to have been healing
: OK. I could do most of the things I wanted to do.
: As far as kayaking (which I took up a bit later) - I could paddle fine,
: except after long outings (several hours) I could feel some discomfort in
: the left shoulder.
: Now, fast forward to 07 November 2008. The history repeats itself.
: While riding my bike I fell again, on the same hand/shoulder. My shoulder is
: in pain. I cannot lift the
: left hand higher than the chest level.
: On Monday I am going to see a doctor again, and try to decide what's next.
: As of now I think I will ask for an MRI which can be compared to the MRI I
: had done 5 years ago.
: Here is what I consider: a) If the current MRI shows even more damage I am
: inclined to ask for a surgery (if surgery is possible at all)
: After all, I don't want permanent semi-disability and yes, I very much want
: to be able to kayak again!
: b) If there is not much more damage that was in my shoulder already, I think
: I will try to rest it and hope it heals on it's own.
: Unfortunately, based on the current symptoms this may be wishful thinking.
: I would appreciate any advice, especially from someone who either has been
: through similar problem,
: or who works in the medical field.
Messages In This Thread
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skiffrace -- 11/9/2008, 2:29 pm- Re: Other: Actually, not all is well now
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skiffrace -- 11/24/2008, 10:33 am- Re: Other: Actually, not all is well now
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- Dangers of cycling
- Re: Other: Actually, not all is well now
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- Re: Other: Actually, not all is well now
- Re: Other: Actually, not all is well now
- Re: Other: Actually, not all is well now