Date: 10/28/2009, 1:38 pm
I purchased wooden balls from Lee Valley Tools for my kayak. (Link at bottom)
Ended up just putting them in a vice and drilling out the centre. They have held up pretty well, out of the 20 or so on the boat, two cracked (not all the way through), but I was just using tung oil on them. They cost me 21 cents each, so I don't really mind replacing a few.
If you aren't in the frozen north, I have also seen them at Home Depot, and other big box hardware stores, usually in the molding aisle.
: I finished the build of my daughter's kayak and I've been playing around in
: my head with deck rigging. I've decided that I want to add perimeter
: lines. The deck rigging would be pretty tight to the deck so I'd like to
: put wood balls on them (ala Brian Nystrom).
: The deck line should come today - I'm trying to figure out where to buy the
: wood balls? Is this something that is typically at craft stores (big box
: places - JoAnn, AC Moore, Michael's, etc.)? Hardware stores? Hobby shops?
: or...?
: Thanks.
: -Doug

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Wood balls *LINK*
Doug S -- 10/28/2009, 9:03 am- Re: Seeking: Wood balls *Pic*
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 10/28/2009, 6:26 pm- Re: Seeking: Wood balls
Etienne Muller -- 10/30/2009, 11:37 am
- Re: Seeking: Wood balls
Mike Savage -- 10/28/2009, 2:12 pm- Re: Seeking: Wood balls
Andy Waddington -- 10/29/2009, 9:20 am- Re: Seeking: Wood balls
Kurt Maurer -- 10/28/2009, 5:02 pm- Re: Seeking: Wood balls
Mike Savage -- 10/29/2009, 7:46 am
- Re: Seeking: Wood balls
- Found: Wood balls
Doug S -- 10/28/2009, 1:58 pm- Re: Found: Wood balls
Brian Nystrom -- 10/30/2009, 11:47 pm- Re: Found: Wood balls
JEM -- 10/28/2009, 4:47 pm - Re: Found: Wood balls
- Re: Seeking: Wood balls *LINK* *Pic*
dbynoe -- 10/28/2009, 1:38 pm- Re: Seeking: Wood balls *Pic*
brian scarborough -- 10/28/2009, 12:03 pm- Re: Seeking: Wood balls
Kurt Maurer -- 10/28/2009, 11:47 am - Re: Seeking: Wood balls
- Re: Seeking: Wood balls *Pic*