: Couple more pics.
: http://i33.tinypic.com/e5mp95.jpg
: http://i34.tinypic.com/e6wrd1.jpg
If you put one of those URLs in the box at the bottom of the reply form then it shows up in your posting automatically. You can include comments about the image or point out certain features, and they'll be on the computer screen with the image. Just makes things a bit more convenient.
The chip in the coaming lip looks like nothing more than a chip. Try the cyanoacrylate on the cracks. Wrap a couple strips of masking tape under it and around the outside to form a temporary mold and pour in about a teaspoon of mixed epoxy glue. When it has set (maybe an hour if you use a quicksetting glue) peel off the tape. Wait a day for it to get harder then sand it smooth. The rest of the coaming is wide enough to hold your sprayskirt so I don't think you'll have a let of wear on this dinged area.
The oilcanning is worse than I thought. I've got lots of concerns about that. Separate post to come on that.

Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
lc -- 8/9/2010, 10:25 pm- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Scott Baxter -- 8/11/2010, 9:06 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/10/2010, 2:26 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/12/2010, 12:30 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/12/2010, 4:00 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/13/2010, 12:12 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/13/2010, 8:52 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/13/2010, 6:50 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/14/2010, 7:41 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/15/2010, 11:54 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/15/2010, 1:26 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/15/2010, 11:56 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/16/2010, 12:50 am
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/13/2010, 9:55 am - Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/13/2010, 12:48 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/13/2010, 9:38 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/14/2010, 1:55 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/13/2010, 6:42 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip *PIC*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/17/2010, 2:03 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip *PIC*
Brian -- 8/21/2010, 8:14 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Mike Savage -- 8/22/2010, 6:40 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/22/2010, 12:32 am - Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian -- 8/21/2010, 10:14 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/21/2010, 5:00 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/22/2010, 12:30 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
dave g -- 8/22/2010, 2:11 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Mike Savage -- 8/22/2010, 6:47 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
dave g -- 8/22/2010, 10:00 am
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip *PIC*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/15/2010, 6:57 pm - Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip *PIC*
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
lc -- 8/10/2010, 4:43 pm- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
dave g -- 8/22/2010, 2:07 am- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/10/2010, 5:16 pm - Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/10/2010, 10:10 am- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
lc -- 8/10/2010, 4:31 pm- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Bill Hamm -- 8/10/2010, 5:14 pm
- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
Brian Nystrom -- 8/10/2010, 9:57 am- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
lc -- 8/10/2010, 4:50 pm
- Re: Reinforcing a boat for a trip
- Re: Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip