Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Date: 11/9/2010, 1:26 am
In Response To: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please *PIC* (Damian wentzel)

The pattern itself does not present any particular problems, but the direction of the strips on the outside of the deck does.

Check how sharp the bend will be at the end of the strips where they meet the hull.

Why not use exactly the same pattern, but run those strips parallel to the sheerline?

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please *PIC*
Damian wentzel -- 11/8/2010, 9:33 pm
Sometimes less is more... *PIC*
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 11/9/2010, 9:14 am
Re: Sometimes less is more... *PIC*
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 11/9/2010, 3:03 pm
Re: Sometimes less is more...
Clayton Plunkett -- 11/9/2010, 8:41 pm
Re: Sometimes less is more...
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 11/10/2010, 1:13 am
Re: Sometimes less is more...
Allan -- 11/9/2010, 2:57 pm
Re: Sometimes less is more... *PIC*
Reg Lake -- 11/9/2010, 10:43 am
Re: Sometimes less is more...
Jay Babina -- 11/9/2010, 9:54 am
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Bill Hamm -- 11/9/2010, 8:44 am
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Damian Wentzel -- 11/9/2010, 12:59 pm
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Allan -- 11/9/2010, 1:26 am
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Randy Echtinaw -- 11/9/2010, 7:54 am
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Ian Johnson -- 11/9/2010, 1:30 am
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please *PIC*
Damian wentzel -- 11/8/2010, 9:34 pm
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Mike Bielski -- 11/9/2010, 4:29 am
Re: Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please
Terry -- 11/8/2010, 10:37 pm