Re: lofting question
In Response To: lofting question *PIC* (Paul G. Jacobson)
: Some people use cheap 1/4" lauan plywood ( about $10 for a 4x8
: sheet) and lay out the lines for just half of the building form.
Hi Paul,
I lofted the offsets and made forms for the strip version of the Nikumi SOF that I am building. I used heavy construction paper, how I wish I would have used lauan plywood. That seems a much better way, I suppose I can transfer the paper to lauan however.
Thanks for the detail info you provide,
Clayton Plunkett
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: lofting question.
Sean McGrath -- 1/5/2011, 4:22 pm- Re: Strip: lofting question.
lance buck -- 1/5/2011, 5:44 pm- Re: Strip: lofting question.
Kurt Maurer -- 1/5/2011, 7:14 pm- Re: Strip: lofting question.
lance buck -- 1/5/2011, 8:33 pm - Re: Strip: lofting question. *PIC*
Tony Olsen -- 1/5/2011, 11:15 pm
- Re: Strip: lofting question.
- Re: Strip: lofting question.
- lofting question *PIC*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/5/2011, 11:27 pm- Re: lofting question
Clayton Plunkett -- 1/6/2011, 9:23 am - Re: lofting question *PIC*
Tony Olsen -- 1/6/2011, 11:44 am
- Re: lofting question
- Re: Strip: lofting question.
Bill Hamm -- 1/6/2011, 12:52 am - Re: Strip: lofting question.
BillPadin -- 1/6/2011, 12:19 pm - Re: Strip: lofting question.
Mike Bielski -- 1/6/2011, 1:49 pm- Re: Strip: lofting question.
Bill Hamm -- 1/6/2011, 1:54 pm
- Re: Strip: lofting question.
- Re: Strip: lofting question.
John VanBuren -- 1/6/2011, 4:55 pm- Re: Strip: lofting question.
sean mcgrath -- 1/6/2011, 5:00 pm- Re: Strip: lofting question.
Tony Olsen -- 1/6/2011, 11:04 pm
- Re: Strip: lofting question.
- Re: Strip: lofting question.
- Re: Strip: lofting question.