Date: 1/14/2011, 8:45 pm
: Speaking of spoke shaves - what should one look for in a spoke
: shave? I've made a couple of things lately where a spokeshave
: would have been the tool of choice, but I don't yet have one.
: There seem to be a decent smattering of old wooden handled ones
: around, but I've also seen word of adjustable throat spoke
: shaves, and that seems appealing given that I seem to have a
: propensity for finding bits of wood with grain that changes
: direction in awkward places.
: A lot of the new tools we seem to be offered here are junk made in
: india or china (they're not all junk, just the majority), so
: most likely I'd be looking at a preloved stanley or marples or
: something like that.
: So (and sorry if the ends up hijacking your thread Bill) how would
I have a preloved Stanley Model #151, purchased from ebay. I really like it because it has 2 adjustment screws to control the depth of the iron. I have not yet mastered this tool, but I do use it more and more often. It is really an under-rated tool that deserves more praise.
Greg N.
: I go about choosing a decent spokeshave?
: Thanks - Simeon.
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: cheap planes
Bill Hamm -- 1/14/2011, 8:00 am- Re: Tools: cheap planes
Joe whitman -- 1/14/2011, 9:06 am- Re: Tools: cheap planes
Bill Hamm -- 1/14/2011, 9:14 am- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
Simeon -- 1/14/2011, 8:33 pm- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
G New -- 1/14/2011, 8:45 pm- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
Dave Houser -- 1/15/2011, 2:57 am- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
Greg New -- 1/15/2011, 9:48 pm- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
Donovan -- 1/23/2011, 8:00 pm- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
Bill Hamm -- 1/24/2011, 12:57 am - Re: Tools: spoke shaves
G New -- 1/24/2011, 8:52 pm - Re: Tools: spoke shaves
Foster -- 1/25/2011, 2:26 pm
- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
- Re: Tools: spoke shaves
- Re: Tools: cheap planes
- Re: Tools: cheap planes