Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
By:Todd O
Date: 3/22/2011, 10:35 am
Date: 3/22/2011, 10:35 am
In Response To: Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form (Sean mcgrath)
: Thanks Todd and Tony. Tony, do you have a pic of the top (long
: part) of the bow form? My confusion comes from the way the first
: two "mini" forms line up on the bow form. When I set
: them in place, it seems obvious that the top of the form, and
: not just the stem, needs to be beveled. Yet it's not mentioned
: in the book or in the offsets.
: Sean.
That's exactly what I found Sean. I beveled the top of the bow stem to match the angle of the half forms and it worked out great. If you dont do this, I have no idea how you would form a nice peak without moving the half forms up higher than designed so the angle they form cleares the stem.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Great Auk bow form
sean mcgrath -- 3/21/2011, 9:28 pm- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
Todd O -- 3/21/2011, 10:40 pm- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form *PIC*
Tony Olsen -- 3/22/2011, 8:35 am- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
Sean mcgrath -- 3/22/2011, 8:58 am- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
Todd O -- 3/22/2011, 10:35 am- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
Sean McGrath -- 3/22/2011, 10:48 am - Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
Sean McGrath -- 3/22/2011, 11:40 am - Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
Tony Olsen -- 3/22/2011, 12:55 pm
- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
Tony Olsen -- 3/22/2011, 12:52 pm
- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form
- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Great Auk bow form