: I removed a chimp pump from my Valley Pintail. I plan to replace it
: with a Beckman deck plate and add a bulkhead to make a day
: hatch. I plan to use plywood for the bulkhead. That's as far as
: I've gotten. I'd like advice as to plywood thickness (1/4",
: 3/8" etc.), should I add a wooden lip to give more surface
: area for better bonding? should I get a good fit and epoxy it in
: with a Lexel bead to finish it off? Any advice would be great.
: I've built several SOFs, some with fabric bulkheads, but this is my
: first venture into modifying a glass boat.
: Thanks in advance.
: -Eric
I would go with 1/4" ply and glass it both sides. Just cut the glass longer than the bulkhead so it overlaps underneath the deck and hull. Should be plenty strong. The only problem with ridgid bulkheads is that they don't let the hull flex when you hit an object. An alternative is closed-cell foam laid in with 3M 5200. It will give a little so the hull retains its flex when hitting stuff.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day hatch.
Eric Eaton -- 6/15/2011, 3:33 pm- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/15/2011, 3:54 pm- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 6/15/2011, 6:49 pm- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
dave g -- 6/15/2011, 7:30 pm
- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day *PIC*
- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
Al Edie -- 6/16/2011, 1:30 am - Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
Bill Hamm -- 6/16/2011, 5:37 pm - Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
Jay Babina -- 6/17/2011, 7:30 am - Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
Eric Eaton -- 6/17/2011, 9:08 am- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
Bill Hamm -- 6/18/2011, 1:41 am
- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day
- Re: Epoxy: Adding a plywood bulkhead to make a day