Date: 6/27/2011, 1:03 pm
Pic of Saturday's damage - I didn't leave enough leeway for the rotting bones of an old hulk. The bottom few timbers have throughbolts sticking up, and they're very visible where they lay up on shore. I didn't realize how far out into the channel they extended.
The impacts were four, between wave action and bouncing off the submerged prong. I have two good dings and two penetrations to fix.
I was able to push the splinters back into place and made it back to the launch - about a 45 minute paddle - without much water coming in.
I used an old woodturner's trick to dry out the saturated cedar. After cutting back the glass, I soaked the wood with rubbing alcohol two or three times. Then I left the boat out in the sun for the afternoon.
Rubbing alcohol is very hygroscopic and will absorb water. When the booze evaporates, it takes the water with it. By the end of the day the strips were dry and ready for new epoxy.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Battle Damage *PIC*
John Eberly -- 6/27/2011, 1:03 pm- Re: Strip: Battle Damage
John Bratton -- 6/27/2011, 1:59 pm- Re: Strip: Battle Damage
Kurt Maurer -- 6/27/2011, 7:55 pm- Re: Strip: Battle Damage
John Eberly -- 6/27/2011, 8:29 pm
- Re: Strip: Battle Damage
- Re: Strip: Battle Damage