: Hi Daan. I got to paddle one of those yellow jobs many years ago.
: It belonged to a Dutch friend. It was a weird boat. If the skeg
: is not deployed it can turn around a radius with the bow as the
: centre.
: I was delighted to hand the boat back as I was dreading what would
: happen in the event of a skeg failure with me far from home.
: Et
Hi Etienne,
You are right, it is a weird kayak. But iy kayak buddy likes it and we paddled together several hundreds of kilometers on the rivers and lakes in Germany and the Netherlands without any problems with the skeg. We are not see kayakers like you. It would also be easy to ad a small fixed skeg to overcome these problems. But I like my almost new (first build stripper) Night Heron much better.
Coming Tuesday we set off for our yearly weektrip to the 'Mecklenburger Seeenplatte' in Germany. It will be our third year there. We paddle every day between 30 and 50 kilometers and cary our camping gear with us in the kayaks. It is about 6 hours car drive from home.
Here is a picture of the Night Heron, build in black poplar which is very light coloured. The kayak is bomb proof because I used 80 grams glassfibre but afterwards it was 160 grams. Two layers on the hull inside and outside and two layers inside of the deck and one outside. So the kayak is rather heavy with 22 kg.
Greetings Daan

Messages In This Thread
- Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque *LINK* *PIC*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 6/30/2011, 9:47 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Bryan Hansel -- 6/30/2011, 10:29 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Heatherjen -- 6/30/2011, 11:59 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Stephen Troy -- 6/30/2011, 1:00 pm- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Noel Bennett -- 6/30/2011, 2:37 pm
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Etiennemuller Muller Ireland -- 6/30/2011, 4:00 pm- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Bill Hamm -- 7/1/2011, 2:11 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque *PIC*
dhwdaniels -- 7/1/2011, 5:40 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Etiennemuller Muller Ireland -- 7/1/2011, 6:33 pm- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
ancient kayaker -- 7/1/2011, 10:52 pm- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Etiennemuller Muller Ireland -- 7/2/2011, 4:54 am
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Bill Hamm -- 7/2/2011, 2:18 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque *PIC*
dhwdaniels -- 7/3/2011, 5:43 pm- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Etiennemuller Muller Ireland -- 7/3/2011, 6:15 pm- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
dhwdaniels -- 7/3/2011, 6:41 pm
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Bill Hamm -- 7/2/2011, 2:17 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Malcolm Schweizer -- 7/2/2011, 6:19 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
dhwdaniels -- 7/3/2011, 5:44 pm- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Bill Hamm -- 7/4/2011, 12:32 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/6/2011, 8:16 am- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Bill Hamm -- 7/6/2011, 8:19 am
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
Ian Johnson -- 7/4/2011, 12:39 am - Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque
- Re: Review: Zegul "Baidarka" vs Aleutesque