Boat Building Forum

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Skin-on-Frame: Tucker's Kayak *PIC*
By:Kirk Fredericks - Farback Carpentry and Automation
Date: 7/11/2011, 9:28 am

Here's the boat I dropped off to a happy little guy last night. It's a Yost Sea Flea for my four year old grandson Tucker. I'll post some build details on my site.
This was my first SOF, and I'll be building several more. I've got two more grandchildren due next month, so I envision a fleet of various size SOF's. My son Mark, who I made the S&G Volfskayak for, wants to build a river size SOF together. I'm still a big cedar strip fan, but these are fast and easy to make, and you can't beat the price.


Messages In This Thread

Skin-on-Frame: Tucker's Kayak *PIC*
Kirk Fredericks - Farback Carpentry and Automation -- 7/11/2011, 9:28 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Tucker's Kayak
Jeff Horton -- 7/12/2011, 7:42 am
Tucker's Kayak - on the water pic *PIC*
Kirk Fredericks -- 7/31/2011, 9:27 pm
Re: Tucker's Kayak - another pic *NM* *PIC*
Kirk Fredericks -- 7/31/2011, 9:28 pm