Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers *PIC*
In Response To: Strip: Cockpit Covers (Damian Wentzel)
: This is going to sound kinda lame and i'm getting way to picky, but
: has anyone come across a nice cockpit cover other than the
: standard NRS covers? I'm looking for something with a bit more
: aesthetic than the standard black.
It might be considerably out of your way (!), but I ordered mine from a guy in the North Island of New Zealand, and a spray skirt too. I gave him some key dimensions of the cockpit and it fit perfectly. I ordered one week before Christmas and had it two days later.
Andy's great to deal with and I really like the way it looks. Can't remember what they cost but it wasn't expensive.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Cockpit Covers
Damian Wentzel -- 7/23/2011, 6:13 pm- Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers
Robin Boys -- 7/23/2011, 9:02 pm- Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers
SCOTT FITZGERRELL -- 7/23/2011, 11:07 pm- Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers
Bill Hamm -- 7/24/2011, 12:08 am- Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers *PIC*
Ian Johnson -- 7/25/2011, 12:29 am- Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers
StephenHJ -- 7/26/2011, 1:24 pm- Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers
Mike Bielski -- 7/27/2011, 4:11 am - Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers
- Re: Strip: Cockpit Covers