Nick, A builder with your ability could add a adjustable skeg and then be confident of handling any situation on the water. Many builders of strip kayaks have added them after the build.
Right now you have a maneuverable boat and you will want that ability sometime in the future. An adjustable skeg will give you the tracking you desire without taking away anything from the maneuverability.
Someone of your ability could make a skeg control box similar to Nick's on his Petrel.
Sorry, I have seen some better pictures of nicks skeg and control box, but I cannot find them now.
One thing to be careful of with a fixed skeg is to not make it too big. In serious conditions I only need to drop my skeg halfway (15 square inches). Full skeg will cause leecocking.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: A saved kayak *PIC*
Nick Riccardi -- 8/1/2011, 7:45 pm- Re: Strip: A saved kayak
Allan -- 8/1/2011, 8:05 pm- Re: Strip: A saved kayak
Nick Riccardi -- 8/4/2011, 5:13 pm- Re: Strip: A saved kayak
Glen Smith -- 8/4/2011, 5:19 pm- Re: Strip: A saved kayak
Allan -- 8/5/2011, 12:53 am - Re: Strip: A saved kayak
- Re: Strip: A saved kayak
- Re: Strip: A saved kayak *PIC*
dave g -- 8/2/2011, 12:07 am- Re: Strip: A saved kayak *PIC*
dave g -- 8/2/2011, 12:09 am
- Re: Strip: A saved kayak *PIC*
Bob Johns -- 8/5/2011, 5:37 am - Re: Strip: A saved kayak
- Re: Strip: A saved kayak