Strip: skeg *PIC*
Hi All, I've been away from the computer and the shop for a few days (serious hand injury from a very heavy extension ladder). This is what I came up with for a skeg, it's a piece of sapele 1/4in thick 3/4in wide and 18in long tapered,before I secure it I would like some
feed back if the deminions are right and what's good to secure it with so it can be removed later as always Thanks Nick R.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: skeg *PIC*
Nick Riccardi -- 8/15/2011, 3:10 pm- Re: Strip: skeg
Bill Hamm -- 8/15/2011, 4:04 pm- Re: Strip: skeg
Nick Riccardi -- 8/16/2011, 6:33 pm- Re: Strip: skeg
Bill Hamm -- 8/17/2011, 7:42 am
- Re: Strip: skeg
- Try a few beads of hot glue *NM*
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 8/15/2011, 4:19 pm- Re: Strip: skeg *PIC*
John Caldeira -- 8/16/2011, 3:44 am- Re: Strip: skeg
Brian Nystrom -- 8/16/2011, 6:47 am- Re: Strip: skeg
Kent LeBoutillier -- 8/16/2011, 11:48 am - Re: Strip: skeg
- Re: Strip: skeg