Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
In Response To: Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D (Bryan Hansel)
: I think my white balance wasn't right for the picture, because it's
: more walnut in color and not plum. Although Ilena's Iggy is
: plum/red. With a carbonfiber interior, this is not going to be
: the ideal canoe for photography. I'll have to use the Freedom
: for that.
I don't know if it is the white balance or the background reds pulling the red. I hid the background and it looks more walnut. It looks so nice it get me excited about canoeing again.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the Darth Canoe *PIC*
Bryan Hansel -- 8/27/2011, 9:01 pm- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Paul Wiley -- 8/27/2011, 9:53 pm- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
bromasi -- 8/28/2011, 12:18 am- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Etiennemuller Muller Ireland -- 8/28/2011, 3:55 am- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Bryan Hansel -- 8/28/2011, 8:46 am
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Bryan Hansel -- 8/28/2011, 8:51 am
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Bill Hamm -- 8/28/2011, 1:16 am- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Bryan Hansel -- 8/28/2011, 8:47 am
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
scottbaxter -- 8/28/2011, 7:44 am- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Bryan Hansel -- 8/28/2011, 8:49 am- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
scottbaxter -- 8/28/2011, 10:22 am- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Bryan Hansel -- 8/28/2011, 11:11 am- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
scottbaxter -- 8/28/2011, 4:17 pm
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Bill Hamm -- 8/29/2011, 1:42 am
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Mike Savage -- 8/28/2011, 12:48 pm - Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 8/29/2011, 6:20 am
- Re: Other: Canoe fiberglassed and dyed. It's the D