Date: 9/28/2011, 4:24 pm
: Mine is 28" wide and in all be the shallowest water I am just
: not comfortable straddling it which is how I get in my boats. So
: I have to come in from one side and just haven't found a good
: way to do that. Getting in is easier than getting out for me.
: With the rod holders I can't sit on the back deck and then swing
: a leg out.
Since you're using a GP paddle, could you lay one end of the paddle across the back of the coaming, behind your knees while standing next to the cockpit, then sit on the paddle over the edge of the boat with the opposite paddle tip resting on shore/bottom, and then swing each leg in, and drop down into the seat?
This is one of the ways I get into the kayaks I rent with smaller openings (with the paddle behind the seat), although I think I also straddle them in the process. Works well for getting out, also.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill VerSteeg -- 9/27/2011, 10:31 am- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bob Beaullieu -- 9/27/2011, 11:24 am - Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Al Edie -- 9/27/2011, 12:00 pm- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill VerSteeg -- 9/28/2011, 8:56 am
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Jay Babina -- 9/27/2011, 1:50 pm- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill VerSteeg -- 9/28/2011, 8:53 am
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 9/27/2011, 2:16 pm - Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Mike Bielski -- 9/27/2011, 3:01 pm- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Al Edie -- 9/29/2011, 1:41 pm - Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill Hamm -- 9/29/2011, 3:51 pm - Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Al Edie -- 9/30/2011, 11:28 am- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill Hamm -- 10/3/2011, 1:57 am- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Al Edie -- 10/3/2011, 1:56 pm- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill Hamm -- 10/4/2011, 2:36 am
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Charles Robinson -- 9/27/2011, 5:39 pm - Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill Hamm -- 9/28/2011, 2:04 am - Re: Strip: coaming - no lip? *PIC*
Jeff Horton -- 9/28/2011, 2:28 pm- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill VerSteeg -- 9/28/2011, 2:37 pm- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Jeff Horton -- 9/28/2011, 4:01 pm- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
StephenHJ -- 9/28/2011, 4:24 pm - Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
Bill Hamm -- 9/29/2011, 2:05 am
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?
- Re: Strip: coaming - no lip?