: This may help answer my quandary of daggerboard position. Having
: the DB slightly forward of the sail's COE would then give the
: boat the preferred weather helm? I have to admit that choosing
: the sail plan and then the DB position seems bass ackwards, but
: makes sense. Maybe having these guidelines will push me over the
: edge and convince me to install the sailing rig.
: Thanks much,
: Harry
Hi Harry,
Yes, having slight weather helm is vastly better specially on a dink than lee helm which could get you into impossible handling conditions.
Finding small sails isn't really easy, having them made special is fairly expensive. I'd suggest looking at the used sail sites online. Can find very nice sails for a very reasonable price.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/4/2011, 1:22 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig *PIC*
ancient kayaker -- 11/4/2011, 5:51 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/4/2011, 9:39 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
Bill Hamm -- 11/5/2011, 12:16 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/5/2011, 1:34 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
Bill Hamm -- 11/5/2011, 1:41 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/6/2011, 7:08 pm
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
ancient kayaker -- 11/5/2011, 4:54 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
Bill Hamm -- 11/6/2011, 1:56 am- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
ancient kayaker -- 11/6/2011, 2:51 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/6/2011, 6:56 pm - Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
Bill Hamm -- 11/7/2011, 2:16 am
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/6/2011, 7:04 pm- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
Bill Hamm -- 11/7/2011, 2:32 am- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/7/2011, 8:23 am
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
hgreanya -- 11/6/2011, 7:19 pm
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig *PIC*
ancient kayaker -- 11/4/2011, 5:54 pm
- Re: Strip: Coot sail rig *PIC*