Hi Wayne. The answer to your questions is at hand.
: In a previous post, you had mentioned getting the cable and sheath
: (and other?) from Keriatec (sp?). What would a person ask for?
Ask for skeg cable tubing and tubing (about four euro ($5)
compression couplings no 618 (3 euro)
I also got the tubing from Valley canoes. They do the compression couplings too.
Kari tek is a smaller company though and are easier to get hold of on the phone and to talk too as a small consumer. Very helpful.
: Your stainless clevis pin, terminal eye, shroud plate...
: McMaster-Carr? Standard toilet fittings from Lowes or HD, I
: presume.
The shroud plate is the length of SS plate with the holes in it. The swayed terminal eye is the hollow rod with the flattened end with the hole in it and the clevis pin is the bit that joins the two.
All are obtainable through yacht chandller's. Stuff from hardware stores would not be marine standard.
Total cost probably around 12 euro
The seven by nineteen cable used by Kari tek is lovely stuff but too flexible for this kind of setup. The yacht chandler will supply 3mm SS cable too. Ask for 3 mm - one by nineteen - standing rigging cable. (about three euro per mtr, say ten euro).
: From a earlier post, I thought you had used some brass tubing
: couplers, but now think they were not implemented in the final
: project.
I ditched the brass couplers as I got them off spay and they were not up to marine standard.
: What is the hinge pin and rubber bushing? I'm still a bit unclear
: on the way that hinge pin and toilet fitting go together. At
: first, I thought that a piece of sheathing tubing actually acted
: as the hinge pin. But then, what would go in the center of the
: tubing?
The axel pin for the skeg is a bit of 6mm plastic rod I had lying around the workshop. I will replace it with a stainless steel rod when I can get hold of some.
: At the other end, what did you use to secure a control knob to the
: cable? I get why you would want the extension tube in front of
: the control box, for the cable to extend into. Did you do
: something simple and elegant to close the end of the tube?
I hav'nt made up the control box yet. I will run tubing through a hemicylinder box and fillet the bit of tubing in the front of the box onto the underside of the deck and block the end at the same time. Then cut off the bit of tubing in the control box.
I wil add to the PDF when I get to that part of the project.
: I guess some of these questions seem daft, but, I prefer to think
: I'm not the only one that would have them.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
: BTW, how much do you think you spent on the materials?
Total 35 euro maximum. Apart form bits and pieces I ordered on spec and didn't use.
: Thanks,
You're welcome Et
: -- Wayne

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/13/2011, 1:51 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/13/2011, 1:54 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Kirk Fredericks -- 11/13/2011, 2:42 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Ian Cummins -- 11/13/2011, 9:55 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 5:37 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Ian Cummins -- 11/14/2011, 10:55 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 12:49 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bill Hamm -- 11/15/2011, 2:55 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bill Hamm -- 11/15/2011, 2:53 am - Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 11/13/2011, 5:20 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 6:08 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 6:12 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 11/15/2011, 5:15 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:37 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:37 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:38 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:39 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:40 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 12/14/2011, 6:37 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 12/15/2011, 8:54 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 12/16/2011, 9:26 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Robert N Pruden -- 11/13/2011, 10:06 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 12:47 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 11/14/2011, 9:16 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bryan Hansel -- 11/14/2011, 12:36 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 12:09 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
StephenHJ -- 11/16/2011, 1:29 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:27 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:28 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:29 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:30 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:31 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
dave g -- 11/21/2011, 10:23 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/22/2011, 5:15 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bill Hamm -- 11/21/2011, 1:32 am - Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 11/21/2011, 8:30 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/21/2011, 1:01 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 1/13/2012, 10:14 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 1/13/2012, 12:14 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*