Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort *PIC*
By:Greg New
Date: 1/8/2012, 6:35 pm
Date: 1/8/2012, 6:35 pm
Greetings to the Forum,
Today I finally launched my first build! I started it on Father's Day in 2010, when I recieved Nick's book as a gift from my wife. I had to take 6 months off this year because I was travelling back and forth to work out of state. But today I finally launched it.
Mucho Gracias to everyone on this forum and on the many build sites referenced throughout this forum. Your pictures and descriptions made it possible. Nick's books are great, but many of you provided that extra insight to help me understand how to complete the next step, where to buy the right materials, or just plain inspirition looking at your kayaks.
Greg N.

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort *PIC*
Greg New -- 1/8/2012, 6:35 pm- Re: Launching: A second look *PIC*
Greg New -- 1/8/2012, 6:37 pm- Re: Launching: A second look
les cheeseman -- 1/9/2012, 10:55 am
- Re: Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 1/8/2012, 6:45 pm- Re: Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort
Kirk Fredericks -- 1/8/2012, 8:18 pm- Re: Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort
Tim Sheehan -- 1/8/2012, 8:38 pm- Re: Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort
ScottBaxter -- 1/9/2012, 8:51 am- Re: Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort
Bob Beaullieu -- 1/9/2012, 11:14 am- Re: Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort
Ian Cummins -- 1/9/2012, 1:07 pm- Re: Launching: Strip Guillmont My First Effort
Robert l -- 1/9/2012, 11:34 pm - Re: Launching: A second look
- Re: Launching: A second look *PIC*