: I've contacted Kari-Tec about the tubing. Awaiting response. One
: question I had asked is whether 1/8 inch (3.2mm) SS cable will
: fit inside. You had used 3mm, 1 x 19, but 1/8 is common in US.
: Do you think there's enough room?
: Another question for you. I've glassed the inside panels of my skeg
: housing, and am nearing a point of assembling them. I have
: coated the spacer material with several epoxy applications, for
: waterproofing. Did you somehow glass the spacers to the side
: panels, on the inside?
Hi Wayne
Question one... 1/8th inch cable should fit just fine in the Kari-Tek sleeve.
Question two... The spacers are not covered with glass, just epoxy. Just make sure to key the surfaces before bonding.
I suppose one could glass the edges of the spacers before glueing them in but there is really no point. The glass is for stiffness and abrasion resistance. the epoxy is for waterproofing. It is possible to be over obsessive about glassing every surface. For instance, I don't glass my cockpit coamings. The way I do them they are strong enough without it and it is so much easier to get a nice result without all the cloth getting in the way.
I did glass into the skeg slot where it meets the hull though, even though it would have been much easier not to. Extra abrasion resistance and easier to get a thick epoxy layer over the join.
Your build is obviously progressing.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/13/2011, 1:51 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/13/2011, 1:54 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Kirk Fredericks -- 11/13/2011, 2:42 pm - Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Ian Cummins -- 11/13/2011, 9:55 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 5:37 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Ian Cummins -- 11/14/2011, 10:55 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 12:49 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bill Hamm -- 11/15/2011, 2:55 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bill Hamm -- 11/15/2011, 2:53 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 11/13/2011, 5:20 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 6:08 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 6:12 am - Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 11/15/2011, 5:15 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:37 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:37 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:38 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:39 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 5:40 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 12/14/2011, 6:37 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 12/15/2011, 8:54 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 12/16/2011, 9:26 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Robert N Pruden -- 11/13/2011, 10:06 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/14/2011, 12:47 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 11/14/2011, 9:16 am - Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bryan Hansel -- 11/14/2011, 12:36 pm - Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/16/2011, 12:09 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
StephenHJ -- 11/16/2011, 1:29 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:27 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:28 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:29 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:30 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 11/20/2011, 4:31 pm - Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
dave g -- 11/21/2011, 10:23 pm- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/22/2011, 5:15 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Bill Hamm -- 11/21/2011, 1:32 am
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 11/21/2011, 8:30 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 11/21/2011, 1:01 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Wayne One (wwfloyd) -- 1/13/2012, 10:14 am- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
Etienne Muller -- 1/13/2012, 12:14 pm
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics
- Re: Strip: Et's skeg - detailed write up with pics *PIC*