I have a feeling what I'm seeing here isn't good so I figured I'd post the question tot he group and see what people think. When stripping my kayak I stripped both the hull and the deck before doing any fiberglassing. I used a couple of stables to hold the first strips of the deck in place with the deck when starting the deck. Now that I'm ready start glassing I removed the staples so I could tape off the hull so while fiberglassing the deck the two wouldn't joing together yet. When some of the staples the deck pulled apart in some places from the hull about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch close to the bow and stern but more so closer tot he bow. My question is can I fiberglass with this gap and still have enough flex in the wood to join the two halves together. My concern is I'll fiberglass the deck then the hull then come back to join them that this 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch gap will not be able to be closed. I thought about stapling the deck and hull together for the first coat then removing the staples but this doesn't seem like a good solutions. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Joining deck and hull question
righty22 -- 2/25/2012, 7:52 pm- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Pedro Almeida -- 2/25/2012, 9:45 pm- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
righty22 -- 2/25/2012, 9:48 pm- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Pedro Almeida -- 2/25/2012, 10:11 pm - Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Jay Babina -- 2/26/2012, 8:09 am- Correction...
Jay Babina -- 2/26/2012, 9:12 am - Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Nick Riccardi -- 2/26/2012, 11:52 am - Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Allan -- 2/26/2012, 3:25 pm
- Correction...
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 2/26/2012, 5:43 am- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Etienne Muller -- 2/26/2012, 5:45 am- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Randy Echtinaw -- 2/26/2012, 9:31 am- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question *PIC*
Yostwerks -- 2/26/2012, 10:49 am - Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Etienne Muller -- 2/26/2012, 1:07 pm- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
Randy Echtinaw -- 2/26/2012, 3:12 pm
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question
- Re: Strip: Joining deck and hull question