This is just one of the photos captured by our photographer during the wedding. This is by far one of my favorite photos taken that day. One billion dollars to the person who guesses why.
Robert (Has)N(o billions but owes billions) Pruden
PS: I gave the beautiful GP stick I carved and which Linda burned with our wedding theme poem to Mike, our awesome West Coast recluse hippie marriage guy. I also tipped him hugely but by his estimate, the extra cash didn't matter...the stick did. Mike is officially a cool guy and he happens to be a canoeist and a kayaker. Incidentally, he apparently paddled the good old North Saskatchewan River from Edmonton to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, solo, unsupported, himself, some 20 years ago, a full 10 years before I hit the prairie waters myself. So many aspects of this marriage were auspiciously positive. Oh yeah, I got two clear cedar 2x4's to carve once I am back home from up north (heading out later today). Linda has more wood burning to do but this time she will be burning West Coast native art into the blades...she bought a book of patterns while we were out there. I will submit a trip report of the whole event some time while I am up's been a while since I posted a decent story.
Robert N Pruden

Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: How to use a kayak and never forget it... *PIC*
Robert N Pruden -- 3/13/2012, 2:51 am- The most beautiful bride with a big stick *PIC*
Robert N Pruden -- 3/13/2012, 3:08 am- Re: The most beautiful bride with a big stick
glenn -- 3/13/2012, 10:21 am- Re: The most beautiful bride with a big stick
Robert N Pruden -- 3/13/2012, 10:30 am
- Re: The most beautiful bride with a big stick
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/13/2012, 3:14 pm- Re: The most beautiful bride with a big stick
Robert N Pruden -- 3/13/2012, 5:23 pm
- Re: The most beautiful bride with a big stick
StephenHJ -- 3/15/2012, 9:10 pm - Re: The most beautiful bride with a big stick
- Congratulations - many happy trips together! *NM*
jay Babina -- 3/13/2012, 11:52 am- Re: Congratulations - many happy trips together!
Robert N Pruden -- 3/16/2012, 5:34 am
- Re: The most beautiful bride with a big stick
- The most beautiful bride with a big stick *PIC*