: I'd ask Jay before I did anything, but personally I'd just raise
: the freeboard which would keep the lines looking like it was
: designed but would make the boat deeper.
: Bill H.
I agree with Bill, but I would only raise the front half. You are not that heavy.
Just make everything higher until you get to the cockpit area and then reduce the sheer equally at each station until, by the the time you are at the rear of the cockpit you are back at the standard height.
I did this with Pole Dancer and it worked out fine. I raised the fore sheer by 1 1/8 ( one and one eighth) inch. See picture.
This may increase windage forward, I have not noticed it yet though. In any case, one tends to weather cock in bigger seas anyway, so a slight windage up front may even be beneficial in that scenario.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
george jung -- 3/13/2012, 7:52 pm- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
John Abercrombie -- 3/13/2012, 9:34 pm- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Rob Macks/Laughing Loon CC&K -- 3/14/2012, 10:29 am- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
John Abercrombie -- 3/14/2012, 2:11 pm- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Rob Macks/Laughing Loon CC&K -- 3/14/2012, 3:41 pm- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Bill Hamm -- 3/15/2012, 2:45 am- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Bill Hamm -- 3/15/2012, 2:47 am
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Bill Hamm -- 3/14/2012, 12:28 am- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot' *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 3/14/2012, 4:42 am
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Ken Blanton -- 3/14/2012, 6:20 am- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Bob Beaullieu -- 3/14/2012, 11:57 am- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Rob Macks/Laughing Loon CC&K -- 3/14/2012, 12:52 pm- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
george jung -- 3/14/2012, 6:55 pm
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
Paul Davies -- 3/14/2012, 8:04 pm - Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'
- Re: Strip: modifying plans for 'Big Foot'