Good day all,
As mentioned before, I have designed a fast racing SUP using Kayak Foundry to start, and then modified and tweaked by Brad Tucker at Wood Surfboard Supply for CNC routing. It took some tweaking, but here is the first form which I will use to build the prototype.
I want to be clear and up front that I will be compensated for the sale of kits for this and may myself market plans for it, and therefore I respect the board rules. I am sharing this because many people have discussed here desinging a better SUP with more of a kayak hull, and I feel it would be of interest. I will be factual in my posts and stick to the topic of building a displacement hull SUP. I think being that it was designed with Kayak Foundry up front, you will appreciate this build.
Thanks to Ross Leidy for his kind generosity of making Kayak Foundry available. I did donate to the cause and plan to donate more later on. I suggest if any of you have used Kayak Foundry to design something you give Ross something for his efforts. Thanks Ross!!! I'm really excited about this design coming to fruition and honestly also a bit nervous because my reputation as a designer is on the line here!
Well, I did a video on Facebook at Schweizer Surfboards page, but first had to post it to my private page so I don't know if this link will work but here it is:
If not, go to Schweizer Surfboard page and it's a public page and the video is there. I will attach a still shot of the forms laid out.
The deck is going to be peaked slightly to give secondary buoyancy when you punch a wave in open water. The aft deck is mostly flat- technically there is a tiny amount of curvature to allow water to drain off the deck but otherwise flat as a flitter. The aft deck will meet the foredeck in a curved cutaway with a "wall" of strips kind of like a kayak coaming joining the gap between the higher foredeck and lower aft deck. So hard to say, easier to wait and see when I get that part done.
Here is the form laid out on my living room floor:

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/14/2012, 2:42 pm- that should be "Fast Racing SUP" *NM*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/14/2012, 2:43 pm- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
ScottBaxter -- 3/14/2012, 7:12 pm- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/15/2012, 1:38 pm- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
John Abercrombie -- 3/15/2012, 2:12 pm- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
StephenHJ -- 3/15/2012, 9:03 pm - Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Doug S -- 3/15/2012, 10:10 am- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/15/2012, 1:29 pm- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Doug S -- 3/15/2012, 5:00 pm- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Charles Robinson -- 3/15/2012, 5:44 pm- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/16/2012, 8:49 am
- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/16/2012, 9:00 am- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Al Zahler -- 3/21/2012, 12:43 am- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/21/2012, 3:37 am
- Re: Other: Fast Rclaacing SUP
- that should be "Fast Racing SUP" *NM*