Hello all.
I'm fixing to glass the top of my deck here shortly.. Have planed and sanded 80, 120, 240 and seem to be smooth as silk :)
This is my first time with these boats or anything like this, so obviously there's a few very small gaps here and there, a few staple holes, etc.. Cosmetically I'm not so worried about them this time around, I'm the only one who will notice and I can live with it... but.
Do you pro's recommend a fill coat of epoxy before laying the glass? Especially for a noobie who probably has more air trapping spots than he thinks he does. And one who has never really worked with epoxy. I guess I'm more worried about trapped air pockets that will bite me later than anything else.
I finally bit the bullet and ordered 25 yards of 44" wide 6oz glass and 3 gallons of Ecopoxy (2 gal. resin, 1 gal of clear hardener)...
Yes, I said it, Ecopoxy.. After going back and forth with what brand to use I just did it dang it, no looking back! Mostly at the prodding of my wife who is on the "if it says eco, it must be better" band wagon... me not so much. Hopefully this wasn't a big mistake :/ I've read nothing bad about it (minus customer service) and only good from the very few people on the internet I could find that have actually used it.. Of course I'll will still follow all the safety stuff as if I were using any other epoxy. Figured this whole project was an experiment to begin with so why not keep it that way right? Although it's kind of an obsession now ;)
I did make a hollow shafted canoe paddle with leftover wood scraps I'm going to practice on before going balls out with the stuff on my deck.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Is a fill coat recommended? *PIC*
Andrew T -- 3/19/2012, 7:50 pm- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
robert l -- 3/19/2012, 9:36 pm- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Robert N Pruden -- 3/20/2012, 12:14 am
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Bill Hamm -- 3/20/2012, 1:44 am- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Ian Johnson -- 3/20/2012, 6:41 am- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
William Mayberry -- 3/20/2012, 8:57 am- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended? *PIC*
Andrew T -- 3/20/2012, 7:40 pm
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Bryan K -- 3/20/2012, 9:12 am- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Andrew T -- 3/20/2012, 7:29 pm- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Paul Davies -- 3/20/2012, 7:39 pm- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Robert N Pruden -- 3/21/2012, 7:32 pm
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Jay Babina -- 3/21/2012, 8:43 am- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Bill Hamm -- 3/22/2012, 1:38 am- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Jay Babina -- 3/22/2012, 2:05 pm- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Robert N Pruden -- 3/23/2012, 1:48 pm- Jay...a question
Robert N Pruden -- 3/23/2012, 1:51 pm - Jay...a question
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
Al Edie -- 3/21/2012, 4:46 pm - Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?
- Re: Strip: Is a fill coat recommended?