: I've been using blue masking tape and wrapping it all the way
: around. Just because I wanted to get started and that's all I
: had around at the moment. Is the green tape stickier? Is all
: green tape the same or do I need a specific type? I have some
: reinforced packing tape that works good by wrapping it all the
: way around too.
: Thanks
: Mike
I cut strips of inner tube about a half inch wide and five inches long and use them with spring clamps to hold strips in place. The amount of clamping force can be adjusted from light to a lot by varying the amount of stretch on the rubber. I have perhaps forty of them lying around they are so useful.
Even if you don't need to do this all the time it is very useful where you might need strong pressure as with strips with lateral bends in them.
They are so quick and easy to apply that I use them everywhere. Also they are endlessly reusable.
To use,
hold one end of the strip inside the hull or under the deck with the left index finger.........
Stretch rubber strip straight out with right hand......
fold over strip you want to clamp (as you would with tape) and hold the other end down with your left thumb so you are now pinching the stretched rubber between your thumb and finger......
With your free right hand apply a smallish spring clamp to the rubber just behind your finger and thumb....
See pic

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Tape
Mike -- 4/6/2012, 1:08 pm- Re: Strip: Tape
Clayton Plunkett -- 4/6/2012, 1:20 pm- Re: Strip: Tape
StephenHJ -- 4/6/2012, 8:13 pm- Re: Strip: Tape
Bill Hamm -- 4/8/2012, 2:08 am - Re: Strip: Tape
- Re: Strip: Tape *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 4/6/2012, 1:45 pm- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO
Etienne Muller -- 4/6/2012, 2:12 pm- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO
george jung -- 4/6/2012, 2:43 pm- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 4/6/2012, 2:55 pm- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO *NM* *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 4/6/2012, 2:57 pm- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO
Les -- 4/9/2012, 4:43 am- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO *PIC*
ancient kayaker -- 4/9/2012, 12:11 pm - Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO
- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Tape
Mike -- 4/6/2012, 3:11 pm - Re: Strip: Tape YOU TUBE DEMO
- Re: Strip: Tape
- Re: Strip: Tape