: I'm getting mixed messages about the use of shellac to seal coat
: some pine prior to epoxy. I want to use a 1lb cut to try and
: even out the color and reduce blotchyness.
: Does anybody have experience in this type of thing.
Call the manufacturer of your epoxy and see what they say. Personally, I wouldn't do it. I don't think that it would make a difference in the final product. Pine isn't prone to blotchiness, but does have a lot of grain reversals, and shellac won't do anything about those. If you have to do something about blotchiness I'd use 10% white glue by volume dissolved in water as a wash coat, then sand. BUT- the reason this (or shellac) works to prevent blotchiness is by sealing the pores, which is the opposite of what you want with your epoxy layer. Also- while almost anything will stick well to shellac, even dewaxed shellac has the potential to be a bit waxy. I wouldn't want to risk that either.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Robert l -- 4/10/2012, 12:06 am- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
John Abercrombie -- 4/10/2012, 1:19 am - Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/10/2012, 3:16 am - Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Mike Bielski -- 4/10/2012, 8:30 am- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/10/2012, 9:32 am- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Mike Bielski -- 4/10/2012, 1:53 pm- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/10/2012, 5:14 pm- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
robert l -- 4/10/2012, 7:15 pm- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Mike Bielski -- 4/10/2012, 9:33 pm
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Jay Babina -- 4/10/2012, 8:42 am- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
robert l -- 4/10/2012, 9:52 am- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Bill Hamm -- 4/11/2012, 3:11 am - Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Bill Hamm -- 4/11/2012, 3:17 am - Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
Jay Babina -- 4/11/2012, 2:27 pm
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy
- Re: Strip: Shellac and epoxy