Heidi and I decided to take a few days and enjoy the warm air and hot springs of the Black Canyon of the Colorado. I have posted images of this area before. It is hard to beat the extreme desert views, the warm springs to soak in and the warm spring sun of the Black Canyon. Highlights of this trip besides a great time with my daughter included seeing a desert big horn give birth and the strangest most intense wind gusts I have ever experienced. You could see a dust storm and white caps work up the river and then it would just blast you for 1 or 2 minutes followed by 4 or 5 minutes of absolute calm and the pattern repeated itself. We wanted to paddle out under the full moon but the wind did not ease late in the day like it generally does so we made a dash to the marina at Willow Beach. The paddle down river is always easier than the paddle up. Within minutes of loading the kayaks the wind became constant and so strong it was hard to drive. This is a link to the slide show.

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado *PIC*
scottbaxter -- 4/10/2012, 9:07 am- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
tims -- 4/10/2012, 9:34 am- Er...daddy...
Robert N Pruden -- 4/10/2012, 9:55 pm- Re: Er...daddy...
scottbaxter -- 4/11/2012, 6:53 pm- Re: Er...daddy...
Robert N Pruden -- 4/11/2012, 6:54 pm
- Re: Er...daddy...
- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
Kenneth Sutherland -- 4/10/2012, 11:06 pm- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
Fred -- 4/11/2012, 9:07 am- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
scottbaxter -- 4/11/2012, 6:52 pm- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
Fred -- 4/12/2012, 9:01 am- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
Kenneth Sutherland -- 4/14/2012, 12:59 am- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
Fred -- 4/14/2012, 8:39 am
- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado
- Er...daddy...
- Re: Paddle: Black Canyon of the Colorado