Re: Other: Kayak Storage *PIC*
In Response To: Other: Kayak Storage *PIC* (Malcolm Schweizer)
: Here's my latest idea. Really the heavy kayaks would go on bottom,
: the SOF on top, and the boards in the middle, but you get the
: idea. I would probably lower the middle bar to get more room in
: the middle rung. Why not make a square? Because I want to cover
: it with a tarp and during high winds I want it to ramp the wind.
: I thought this might be less likely to become a projectile!
The girls think it is for storing firewood etc, but I am starting at the left and working my way across.

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Kayak Storage *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2012, 11:09 pm- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2012, 11:28 pm- Re: Other: Kayak Storage *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 4/24/2012, 4:54 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 4/24/2012, 4:56 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/24/2012, 8:37 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Deano -- 4/26/2012, 4:15 pm - Re: Other: Kayak Storage
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
William Mayberry -- 4/24/2012, 11:36 pm- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Etienne Muller -- 4/25/2012, 3:37 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Kirk Fredericks -- 4/27/2012, 7:12 am
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage *PIC*
Brian Nystrom -- 4/24/2012, 6:28 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
ancient kayaker -- 4/24/2012, 8:13 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/24/2012, 8:41 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Brian Nystrom -- 4/25/2012, 6:55 am
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
Ken Blanton -- 4/25/2012, 5:16 pm- Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
dave g -- 4/25/2012, 8:30 pm- Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
Etienne Muller -- 4/26/2012, 3:52 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
Kirk Fredericks -- 4/26/2012, 3:20 pm
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
John Abercrombie -- 4/25/2012, 8:51 pm- Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
Joy -- 4/26/2012, 7:18 am - Re: Other: Kayak Storage - Anti Theft
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Dan -- 4/24/2012, 11:23 am- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/24/2012, 11:31 am
- Kayak Storage and Squirrel Damage
John Messinger -- 4/25/2012, 7:25 am- Re: Kayak Storage and Squirrel Damage
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/25/2012, 8:05 am
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage
Will N to Go -- 4/29/2012, 2:56 pm - Re: Other: Kayak Storage *PIC*
- Re: Other: Kayak Storage