Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*
In Response To: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done but... (Malcolm Schweizer)
I think it’s a good concept for strip building if you prefer not to use staples. In its present form it may pop off as the force on the side of the strip tends to lift the lip. If the block is a bit wider and the dowel is kept close to the lip then it should be more secure.
A high-friction tip on the dowel end should help; you can get rubber molded tips for placing under the tops of glass-topped tables.
Handling a clamp and block may require three hands! You can replace the dowel with a wing knob (below) running through some kind of nut fixed to the block - that might be easier to use.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done but...
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/3/2012, 3:18 pm- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*
ancient kayaker -- 5/3/2012, 4:49 pm- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/3/2012, 4:59 pm- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done
ancient kayaker -- 5/3/2012, 5:27 pm- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/3/2012, 6:07 pm
- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done
- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done
- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*
Simeon -- 5/3/2012, 7:58 pm- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done
ancient kayaker -- 5/3/2012, 10:58 pm- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*
Bryan K -- 5/4/2012, 1:26 pm- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*
Bryan K -- 5/4/2012, 1:32 pm
- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*
- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*
- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done
- Re: Tools: Strip Clamping Caul- probably been done *PIC*