Re: Other: Brush with Fame
In Response To: Re: Other: Brush with Fame (Malcolm Schweizer)
: Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck! Nice one. Actually he's more of a squeegee
: guy.
DUDE, Uncle Nick does those superlative varnish jobs with a SQUEEGEE??? :::sound of jaw hitting floor:::
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Brush with Fame
danpery -- 5/11/2012, 5:51 pm- Re: Other: Brush with Fame
Kurt Maurer -- 5/11/2012, 7:19 pm- Re: Other: Brush with Fame
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/11/2012, 9:58 pm- Re: Other: Brush with Fame
danpery -- 5/11/2012, 10:31 pm - Re: Other: Brush with Fame
Kurt Maurer -- 5/11/2012, 11:21 pm- Re: Other: Brush with Fame
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/12/2012, 1:36 am
- Re: Other: Brush with Fame
- Re: Other: Brush with Fame
- Re: Other: Brush with Fame
- Re: Other: Brush with Fame