It's my skin-on-frame combination sit-on-top kayak (SOT) and stand-up-paddleboard (SUP)! I'm just calling her my "Boardyak."
I got a tongue in cheek request for a SOT in SOF, but I thought I could come up with something. I realized I couldn't mold in seats and foot stretchers, like they do in the plastic SOTs, but I decided a flat platform deck could support both a removable seat and a stand up paddler.
I went with a garvey bow and a baidarka stern (to act as a skeg), both of which would be easy to build. The whole boat is the easiest SOF I have ever put together, and the fastest to do so, too. Non traditional construction, as usual - and thanks again to Tom Yost for bringing this style back into the light.
11' x 30", about 27lbs (a lot of that is the fir ply deck). Paddles great, and surfed a 12" standing wave with aplomb and almost no effort on my part. Lots of sprawling space on the deck, too. I used a folding camp chair - but about half the time I just sat on the deck.
Works good as a (flat water) SUP, though a bit tiddly at first. She picks up a huge amount of stability as the chines submerge, so the whole thing rapidly became casual on my part. I am not, I should note, experienced with SUPs, although I have spent a lot of time on surfboards and such. It turns out that it's pretty fun!
So . . . an ultra simple but versatile boat that goes together in less than a week and is ready to paddle at a moment's notice. The "fat surfboard" look is about the only drawback that I can see, but I am pretty happy with her anyway.
Questions and comments welcome, of course!
Dave Gentry

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: A SOF SOT/SUP *PIC*
Dave Gentry -- 5/16/2012, 11:02 pm- Another pic *NM* *PIC*
Dave Gentry -- 5/16/2012, 11:03 pm- Re: Launching: A SOF SOT/SUP
Yostwerks -- 5/17/2012, 12:52 am- Re: Launching: A SOF SOT/SUP
dave koslow -- 5/17/2012, 2:24 pm - Re: Launching: A SOF SOT/SUP
- Another pic *NM* *PIC*