I got a chance to work on the paddle today. I decided to use the 18 x 7 1/4 paddle shape from nicks paddle plans. I also decided to use the paddle curve template from his plans also. I found cutting the blade curve was best with an angle grinder and then cleaning it up for squareness with a spokeshave and a couple of levels.
As another add on I have decided to add some foam so as to get a foam core paddle like the high performance ones, also this should stiffen the blades a bit more. I know I seem to try and make things harder than they need to be, but why not right?
Anyone have any opinions on the blade curve from nicks paddle plans? It is a lot less of a curve than Duane's paddle plans suggest. I can always cut deeper but going back is a lot harder. Being my first try I will probably leave as is and try it out to see how it performs, in the end I am hoping to be something like a Werner cypress.
Dave g

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- Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
dave g -- 5/17/2012, 7:39 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/17/2012, 8:05 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
dave g -- 5/17/2012, 10:15 pm
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
JohnK -- 5/17/2012, 9:32 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
dave g -- 5/17/2012, 10:18 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
Allan -- 5/17/2012, 10:58 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
dave g -- 5/18/2012, 12:40 am- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/18/2012, 7:57 am- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
dave g -- 5/18/2012, 9:19 am
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
Brian Nystrom -- 5/18/2012, 6:20 am- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
JohnK -- 5/18/2012, 7:32 am
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
Kyle T -- 5/18/2012, 8:15 am- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 5/18/2012, 7:16 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
dave g -- 5/18/2012, 7:33 pm
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
ancient kayaker -- 5/18/2012, 11:26 pm - Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
Dwight Lynn -- 5/19/2012, 8:49 am- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started *PIC*
Andrew T -- 5/19/2012, 2:25 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started *NM* *PIC*
Andrew T -- 5/19/2012, 2:26 pm- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started *NM* *PIC*
Andrew T -- 5/19/2012, 2:27 pm
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started *PIC*
ancient kayaker -- 5/19/2012, 11:07 pm - Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started *PIC*
dave g -- 5/21/2012, 8:43 pm - Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started
- Re: Paddle: Birds mouth euro paddle started