Re: Strip: knee hooks *PIC*
By:Dave Houser
Date: 5/23/2012, 4:08 pm
Date: 5/23/2012, 4:08 pm
In Response To: Strip: knee hooks (John Waddington)
Here is my standard cockpit. I am 6"-2" with a lot of legs and like 4" clear behind my back to the coaming so my cockpit is 33" long (and 16" wide).
You also see a woodworkers' trick for drawing curves (an equal number spaces on both sides with the spaces being equal length per side, on the two intersecting straignt lines tangent to the start and end of the curve; connect points between the spaces with straight lines).

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: knee hooks
John Waddington -- 5/23/2012, 5:40 am- Re: Strip: knee hooks
John Abercrombie -- 5/23/2012, 12:20 pm- Re: Strip: knee hooks
Ken Blanton -- 5/23/2012, 11:03 pm
- Re: Strip: knee hooks
Matthew -- 5/23/2012, 2:02 pm- Re: Strip: knee hooks *PIC*
Clayton Plunkett -- 5/23/2012, 2:32 pm
- Re: Strip: knee hooks *PIC*
Dan Caouette -- 5/23/2012, 2:34 pm- Re: Strip: knee hooks *PIC*
Dave Houser -- 5/23/2012, 4:08 pm- Re: Strip: knee hooks *PIC*
Dave Houser -- 5/23/2012, 4:10 pm
- Re: Strip: knee hooks
Shawn Baker -- 5/23/2012, 4:21 pm - Re: Strip: knee hooks
- Re: Strip: knee hooks