I finished the euro-bird today. I forgot the memory card at the shop so I don't have any construction photos now, but it went together pretty standard.
Because this was my first try I saved the carbon and used fiberglass cause I was cheap and wanted to see if this would hold up.
I used two layers of 10 oz cloth for both the front and back of the blades, four layers total. The foam core was added because I didn't think the fiberglass would be stiff enough, and the high end paddles have it so I figured why not.
The paddle is 214cm tip to tip and with this fiberglass/birdsmouth combo the finished paddle came in at 30.0 oz. the blades are
18 x 7 1/4. I have no doubt that building this way with carbon blades would easily be at least 5 oz lighter.
Test paddle tomorrow.
Dave g

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 12:11 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 12:13 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/26/2012, 6:56 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/26/2012, 7:03 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 10:04 am
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 10:03 pm - Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*