Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
In Response To: Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC* (dave g)
: Another of the blade curve. This is the curve from nicks paddle
: plans.
That's looking very nice. Can't wait to hear how it paddles....
I've made some progress on my version as well. My version uses a 24" cedar plug in each end of the shaft. It also has a 1/2" thick strip on the outside of the shaft ends so I can use Duane S's blade design.
Ive attached an in process pic....
Bob Beaullieu

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 12:11 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 12:13 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/26/2012, 6:56 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/26/2012, 7:03 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 10:04 am
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 10:03 pm - Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*