Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
In Response To: Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC* (Bob Beaullieu)
Another in process pic after cutting the shaft for the blade. Lots of shaping left to do before the blade goes on but looking good so far.
Bob Beaullieu

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 12:11 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 12:13 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/26/2012, 6:56 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
Bob Beaullieu -- 5/26/2012, 7:03 am- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 10:04 am
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
dave g -- 5/26/2012, 10:03 pm - Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Finished birdsmouth euro paddle *PIC*