I am hand beveling my strips and find that a little or rather a lot of oversanding is opening up a few gaps. the gaps are so small I just plan to let the epoxy fill them but I am also seeing some glue lines that look darker than the wood and has a look I can only describe as silicone like. If the gap has a couple bits of glue interspersed with gaps I will get a look that appears like I used filler poorly or just used filler since I cannot ever get filler to look even half way good. I don't want to dig into the tiny gap to clean up the glue, even a razor blade will open the gap.
I noticed that Gorilla glue says it dries to a light brown. Sound like a great fix except for the 12 buck a Quart. Has anyone had experience with either Gorilla Glue or Gorilla Wood Glue?
Robert, Visionary

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: dark glue lines *PIC*
robert l -- 6/1/2012, 12:24 am- Re: Strip: dark glue lines
paul killen -- 6/1/2012, 6:33 am- Re: Strip: dark glue lines
Les Cheeseman -- 6/1/2012, 10:58 am
- Re: Strip: dark glue lines
Nick Riccardi -- 6/1/2012, 12:22 pm- Re: Strip: dark glue lines
MattD -- 6/1/2012, 12:50 pm - Re: Strip: dark glue lines
- Re: Strip: dark glue lines