: I finished taping the inside seam on my Gilly and having a real
: time of it trying to get rid of the strands and glue from the
: strapping tape. Has anyone found a solvent or better way to
: remove the gunk? I tried sanding but this just speads the mess
: but does make it so i can see how much is till left on the boat.
: Scrapper work pretty well but seams to take forever. Any
: thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks Joe
I usually use cheap packing tape. The cheaper stuff has less stick to it. For strapping right around the hull it helps to reduce gunk risk if you just tab the end of the tape at the start then twist the roll 180 degrees so that the sticky side is upward, then wrap around once while pulling, then twist again and stick the end down. If you need more pressure, once you have wrapped it around once with the stick up turn it over again and do a second wrap.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: straping tape
Joe Wuts -- 6/2/2012, 12:10 pm- Re: Strip: straping tape
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/2/2012, 1:24 pm- Re: Strip: straping tape
Marc Upchurch -- 6/2/2012, 4:47 pm- Re: Strip: straping tape
John Messinger -- 6/2/2012, 6:37 pm- Re: Strip: straping tape
Marc Upchurch -- 6/2/2012, 10:13 pm- Re: Strip: straping tape
Dan Caouette -- 6/3/2012, 6:55 am- Re: Strip: straping tape
Dave Houser -- 6/8/2012, 3:28 pm
- Re: Strip: straping tape
- Re: Strip: straping tape
- Re: Strip: straping tape
- Re: Strip: straping tape
Simeon -- 6/2/2012, 8:03 pm- Re: Strip: straping tape
Greg Bridges -- 6/3/2012, 9:44 pm- Re: Strip: strapping tape
Paul K -- 6/8/2012, 11:12 pm- Re: Strip: straping tape *PIC*
Etienne Muller -- 6/9/2012, 4:09 am - Re: Strip: straping tape
- Re: Strip: straping tape